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Workaround required (using ++ in link:)

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Workaround required (using ++ in link:)

3 posts
This post was updated on May 28, 2018; 9:47am.
In some places I generate Asciidoc files out of miscellaneous data.

From the following generated Asciidoc link, Ascidoctor generates an HTML paragraph in stead of an HTML anchor.

Asciidoc link: "link:/Support/Tutorials/Code_Integration_Tutorial/Using_Dezyne_in_your_C++_environment.html[Using Dezyne in your C++ environment]"

HTML text: "link:/Support/Tutorials/Code_Integration_Tutorial/Using_Dezyne_in_your_C_environment.html[Using Dezyne in your C environment]"

As you can see, Asciidoctor interpretes the plusses in the URL as well as in the link text.

How do I need to format the Asciidoc link to get the correct HTML anchor tag? I can manipulate the URL differently from the link text.

For your information; I use Asciidoctor 1.5.5 on Ubuntu 18.04.
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Re: Workaround required (using link:)

242 posts
Not sure this is the most appropriate solution, but this is the only that worked for me.

Using the passthrough instead of + notation like this:

link:pass:[/Support/Tutorials/Code_Integration_Tutorial/Using_Dezyne_in_your_C++_environment.html][pass:[Using Dezyne in your C++ environment]]
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Re: Workaround required (using link:)

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Re: Workaround required (using link:)

2681 posts
In reply to this post by maartenvandewaarsenburg
++ is a reserved character sequence in AsciiDoc (and a very strong one). The solution is to an attribute reference.

Since C++ is such a common term in tech, there's a built-in attribute for it named cpp.

link:/Support/Tutorials/Code_Integration_Tutorial/Using_Dezyne_in_your_{cpp}_environment.html[Using Dezyne in your {cpp} environment]

The reason this works is because attribute substitutions happen after ++ is interpreted. For other strategies, see https://asciidoctor.org/docs/user-manual/#complex-urls

If you're writing about some other ++ language, such as SQL++, then what I recommend is defining ++ as the attribute pp.

:pp: ++

Now I can write about SQL{pp}.

(we might consider just making this a built-in attribute).


On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 2:08 AM, maartenvandewaarsenburg [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
In some places I generate Asciidoc files out of miscellaneous data.

From the following generated Asciidoc link, Ascidoctor generates an HTML paragraph in stead of an HTML anchor.

Asciidoc link: "link:/Support/Tutorials/Code_Integration_Tutorial/Using_Dezyne_in_your_C++_environment.html[Using Dezyne in your C++ environment]"

HTML text: "link:/Support/Tutorials/Code_Integration_Tutorial/Using_Dezyne_in_your_C_environment.html[Using Dezyne in your C environment]"

As you can see, Asciidoctor interpretes the plusses in the URL as well as in the link text.

How do I need to format the Asciidoc link to get the correct HTML anchor tag? I can manipulate the URL differently from the link text.

For your information; I use Asciidoctor 1.5.5 on Ubuntu 18.04.

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Dan Allen | @mojavelinux | https://twitter.com/mojavelinux
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Re: Workaround required (using link:)

3 posts
@mojavelinux (Dan):
That's a very valuable remark you make. And I will certainly use it in handwritten Asciidoc.

But as, in this case, the Asciidoc is generated from data I have to deal with, I'll use abelsromero's suggestion.

Do you agree or can I get into trouble?
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Re: Workaround required (using link:)

2681 posts
For generated content, the pass macro is a very handy tool. You can't go wrong.


On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 3:37 AM, maartenvandewaarsenburg [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
@mojavelinux (Dan):
That's a very valuable remark you make. And I will certainly use it in handwritten Asciidoc.

But as, in this case, the Asciidoc is generated from data I have to deal with, I'll use abelsromero's suggestion.

Do you agree or can I get into trouble?

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Dan Allen | @mojavelinux | https://twitter.com/mojavelinux