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Syntaxhighlighting definition for katepart available?

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Syntaxhighlighting definition for katepart available?

Hi all,

usually I write my asciidoc-documents using emacs with asciidoc-mode.

But: for all C++ coding I use QtCreator and it would be great if there is a katepart asciidoc syntax definition (qtcreator can use these definitions) to write the documention also inside qtcreator.

Any hints?

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Re: Syntaxhighlighting definition for katepart available?

I'm glad you brought this up because we do need to eventually have a syntax definition for AsciiDoc that we can use as the basis of other parser tools. The obvious choice for this definition is a PEG grammar. I think we'll get there. Until then, the most readable definition thus far is probably the highlighter for GTK source view, which I've updated [1].

You can probably draw from the asciidoc.lang file from GTK source view and the Markdown definition for Kate [2] to create a new AsciiDoc definition for Kate. Start with the section titles and it goes pretty quickly.


On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 2:08 AM, wimalopaan [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi all,

usually I write my asciidoc-documents using emacs with asciidoc-mode.

But: for all C++ coding I use QtCreator and it would be great if there is a katepart asciidoc syntax definition (qtcreator can use these definitions) to write the documention also inside qtcreator.

Any hints?


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