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Ruby API option setting

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Ruby API option setting

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The documentation for Asciidoctor::Document#new alludes to options i.e.
A Hash of options to control processing, such as setting the safe mode (:safe),suppressing the header/footer (:header_footer) and attribute overrides (:attributes)(default: {})"
But I can't find a list of what the options are. How do I achieve this CLI through the Ruby API, please:
asciidoctor -T ../../system/backend/my_html -a stylesheet=../../system/themes/html_mac/css/html_mac.css -a linkcss -a toc -a numbered -a imagesdir=figures/ *.asc
Thanks all.
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Re: Ruby API option setting

354 posts
Welcome to the list! I understand the frustration level with this, I've been there. Even those of us who work on Asciidoctor can't remember all the attributes and options.

Until we have one place that lists all the attributes, and it's easy to find, try looking in https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor.org/tree/master/docs/_includes. Any file that starts with attr should give you the various attributes and help explain them. 

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On Fri, Dec 27, 2013 at 2:57 AM, rich [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:

The documentation for Asciidoctor::Document#new alludes to options i.e.

A Hash of options to control processing, such as setting the safe mode (:safe),suppressing the header/footer (:header_footer) and attribute overrides (:attributes)(default: {})"
But I can't find a list of what the options are. How do I achieve this CLI through the Ruby API, please:
asciidoctor -T ../../system/backend/my_html -a stylesheet=../../system/themes/html_mac/css/html_mac.css -a linkcss -a toc -a numbered -a imagesdir=figures/ *.asc
Thanks all.

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