... would it be possible to receive a release version of the 1.4 ascciidoctor-maven-plugin under the Christmas tree ?

I am preparing demos of a maven asciidoctor/docbook document build pipeline here at work (and push it on the corporate development forge). It is "clumsy" and not very "marketing" to use and install a 1.4-SNAPSHOT version in the corporate Nexus repository.
It is also hindering me to go public with my asciidoctor-maven-archetype.
I am relying on version 1.4 because I need Docbook5 for PDF rendering (and it is broken with 1.3).
Could you tell what would be a good planning for having a release version of the 1.4 plugin ? I have a hunch that will have shortly to work on a 1.5 version of the plugin.
Sorry to sound pushy, Jason.