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Customize Underline and Strike-Through Text

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Customize Underline and Strike-Through Text

15 posts
Greetings -

Is it possible to customize the HTML output that Asciidoctor generates for the underline and strike-through text formatting? I do not see where this is located in any of the templates.

I have an Asciidoc document (that must remain compatible with asciidoc.py syntax for the time being), that uses the following macros:

[underline]#Am I underlined?# [line-through]#Strike that from the record!#

I would like to embed the HTML from this document into a CMS that uses a WYSIWYG editor. The editor only supports the <u> tag for underline and the <del> tag for strike-through, but the current back-end generates a <span> tag with a class for each of these cases. Is there a way to customize this?
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Re: Customize Underline and Strike-Through Text

2681 posts
Underline is currently handled entirely by the stylesheet. However, you can bake logic into the template to look for a specific role (such as underline) and use the <u> element instead.

In the inline_quoted.html.slim, you'd use something like:

- case type
  when :emphasis
  em class=role =text
/...other built-in types...
- else
  - if has_role? 'underline'
  - elseif role?
    span role=role =text
  - else

You can tweak the logic as it works best for you.


On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 11:34 AM, devunwired [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Greetings -

Is it possible to customize the HTML output that Asciidoctor generates for the underline and strike-through text formatting? I do not see where this is located in any of the templates.

I have an Asciidoc document (that must remain compatible with asciidoc.py syntax for the time being), that uses the following macros:

[underline]#Am I underlined?# [line-through]#Strike that from the record!#

I would like to embed the HTML from this document into a CMS that uses a WYSIWYG editor. The editor only supports the <u> tag for underline and the <del> tag for strike-through, but the current back-end generates a <span> tag with a class for each of these cases. Is there a way to customize this?

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Dan Allen | @mojavelinux | http://google.com/profiles/dan.j.allen
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Re: Customize Underline and Strike-Through Text

15 posts
Thanks for the tip! That worked like a charm.

Dave Smith, PE
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Re: Customize Underline and Strike-Through Text

2681 posts


On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 3:24 PM, devunwired [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Thanks for the tip! That worked like a charm.

Dave Smith, PE

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Dan Allen | @mojavelinux | http://google.com/profiles/dan.j.allen