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Custom-type delimited blocks

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Custom-type delimited blocks

I have the need of tagging some blocks in my novel, so that they represent particular things.

The aim of it is that, when I render the document, I can typeset these blocks differently.

For example, I have a block which I want to tag as 'location', which will translate to being a paragraph aligned right and with the font in italics.

Would something like this be the right approach?


= Chapter One

Somehwere in the United States

Text of the chapter

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Re: Custom-type delimited blocks

Yep, that exactly describes the block (processor) extension. See:

I would recommend decorating an open block instead of a listing block, though. You want to pick the native structural container (e.g., open block) that most closely matches the content type. (Think of how the block is handled when the extension is not active).



On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 1:10 AM, joruib [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I have the need of tagging some blocks in my novel, so that they represent particular things.

The aim of it is that, when I render the document, I can typeset these blocks differently.

For example, I have a block which I want to tag as 'location', which will translate to being a paragraph aligned right and with the font in italics.

Would something like this be the right approach?


= Chapter One

Somehwere in the United States

Text of the chapter


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Re: Custom-type delimited blocks

Oh, it has been my mistake using a listing block, I had been thinking of an open block all along...

How would I use such an extension developed by myself? Would it be enough to put it in the relevant subdirectory of the Asciidoc distribution I am using? Or I have to 'register' it somehow, si that my installation recognizes it?

Oh, and, a completely unrelated question... I want to try to develop my own backend but I don't know where to start. I think the HTML5 backend is understandable enough, but I'm at a loss in choosing which template language will be the best...